日曜日, 11月 20, 2005


My favorite music recently!

 It reached to an extreme of busyness last week, and there was no time which is writing blog. When there is no margin in a feeling, will the feeling which writes a text also be lost? Although the good day of the weather continues, a rest is taken at home weekends(ToT).
 It is the music of "ASIA" which is being listened to in such a sick person state recently. Especially, it is during a power play about three music, "Only time will tell", "The smlie has left your eyes", and "Wildest dreams"! It is only music with the high completeness in which oldness is not already given even if it hears it now although it is the music of 20 years over ago. "ASIA" fired hit songs, such as "Don't cry" and "Heat of the moment", with the rock band formed at the beginning of 80's. Incidentally "ASIA" reads with "EIJIA." Since you can view and listen to a sample if it goes to a link place, please hear it once. Since the Overseas music of 80's is often used for CM, the music of this neighborhood will also come to be used unexpectedly, and it is?

 At the end, the photograph of beautiful evening glow is carried. Light of the setting sun was strengthened by the retouch. Then, the impression was strengthened.
 What do you think? 
 先週は多忙を極め、blogを書いている時間が全くありませんでした。気持ちに余裕が無いときは文章を書く気持ちも無くなってしまいますね。折角、天気の良い日が続いているのに、週末はほとんど家で休養してます (ToT)
 そんな病人状態の中で、最近聞いているのが"ASIA"の曲です。特に、"Only time will tell","The smlie has left your eyes","Wildest dreams"の3曲をパワープレイ中!もう、20年も前の曲なのですが、今聞いても古さを感じさせない完成度の高い曲ばかりです。"ASIA"は80年初頭に結成されたロックバンドで"Don't cry","Heat of the moment"などヒット曲を連発しました。ちなみに”ASIA”は”エイジア”と読みます。
